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World Famous Researcher Speaks About NUMSS

German osteopath, Dr. Peter Levin is a researcher and author in the field of visceral osteopathy. Dr Levin is currently one of our PhD students in one of our osteopathy programs at National university of Medical Sciences (Spain). 

Here is what he sent to Dr Pourgol on December 12, 2022:
Dear Doctor,I hope you are well.I wanted to compliment you on the PhD program you offer at NUMSS. As I get deeper into the classes I am quite impressed by the many different interesting and well presented topics. 
Kind regards, 
Peter Levin, DO 

NUMSS (Spain) is accredited by the European Agency for the Higher Education and Accreditation. Our PhD programs are now evaluated/approved in the United States by the California University Foreign Credential Evaluation. They are also legalized by the Spain Ministry of Justice and Spain Ministry of External affairs.