News & Events

Visitor from Canada

Yesterday, Osteopathic manual practitioner, Dr Mariana Lugo, DO (Spain) who practices osteopathic manual practice at LUGO Osteopathy in Niagara Falla, Ontario (Canada), on her way to another country, made a stopover in Panama City (Panama) to see our new seaview/mountainview campus.

Dr Lugo did not have a chance to attend Dr Pourgol’s advanced tax planning & asset protection strategies which he gave last month. Yesterday, Dr Pourgol did the seminar for her and other students in the campus which became such a popular seminar to the point that from now on, Dr Pourgol plans to offer it in all his on-site classes.

Dr Lugo had a heartfelt talk with Dr Pourgol thanking him for creating the University and helping students become financially successful. She mentioned she is enjoying a wealthy lifestyle thanks to the business education she received from him.