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NUMSS Alumnus Work Cited by Harvard!

Dr. Vorachoat Karunyasopon (Dr. Ike) is a bestselling author and a physician, naprapath, and osteopath. He graduated from the National University of Medical Sciences – Spain and is currently a faculty member teaching a course on Mindfulness and Meditation in Eastern Psychology as part of our Master of Science in Eastern Psychology program.

As a professor at the National University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Ike has published several articles in 2024 in various journals, including Disease and Health Research, ES Journal of Public Health, MedCrave Online Journal of Public Health, and Applied Sciences Research Periodicals. He has also completed courses at Harvard University, with five of his publications cited by Harvard Medical School.

You can find a list of his 5 published articles on the Harvard Medical School website. Once there, click on “2024” to view the list of Dr. Ike’s five papers published as a professor at NUMSS. You can also click on each list to view and read the articles.