Dr. Vorachoat (Ike) Karunyasopom Dr. Neil Sheehan
We are happy to announce that two of our osteopathy and naprapathy students have published books. Dr. Vorachoat (Ike) Karunyasopom and Dr. Neil Sheehan are graduates of the National University of Medical Sciences who have joined a number of our other students who have published books.
Dr. Karunyasopom has published a number of book on anti-aging and other wellness topics that have quickly become best sellers in Thailand.

Dr. Sheehan has just now published the “Orthopaedic and Manipulative Therapy” which is available on Amazon at this link: Orthopaedic and Manipulative Therapy: A Practical Guide for Students : Sheehan PhD, Dr. Neil: Amazon.ca: Books
We congratulate these two students and are quite proud of them.