We offer a number of online, English language, accredited single & combined health related degree programs through pre-recorded video lectures across the globe, as well as selected continuing education programs. Our optional practical technique classes are available in many countries including the United States (at California Health University), Spain (at Seville University of Health and Medicine), Panama (at Pourgol Osteopathy Chronic Pain Hospital) and selected locations of Osteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of Canada which operates over 378 clinics in 34 countries. The practical classes are also available in other countries based on demand, including India, South Korea, Malaysia, and Iran. External hard drives are also available for students wishing to watch the video lectures on TV (suitable for those without high speed internet access). Certain research fellowship positions may be available to out students at Pourgol Osteopathy Chronic Pain Research Center in Spain.
Our degrees are evaluated and approved in the United States, Spain, UAE, Iran, and many other countries. Most professional associations accept our degrees including the College of Registered Manual Osteopaths (Canada), American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, International Osteopathic Association, American Naprapathic Association, Canadian Naprapathic Association, International Board of Certified Athletic Therapists, Association of MBAs in Canada, American Physical Therapy Association, Panama Association of Osteopathy, Iranian Osteopathic Association, Croatia Society of Osteopaths, and many others. Our DO and DN degrees are accepted by the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners which permits our alumni to work across the United States as osteopathic manual practitioners and naprapaths. For registration enquiries please contact admissions@numss.com.