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A beautiful letter from Kobus du Plessis, a South African bachelor of science in osteopathy, BSc (Ost), student of National University of Medical Sciences (Spain).

“Hello Dr. Pourgol. I hope you are well.I just wanted to share how much I enjoyed your business lectures this past semester. There were a few that I particularly liked A LOT: Lect. 45 was possibly my favorite! ๐Ÿ‘Œ Your teachings here summarized some of the greatest spiritual and emotional lessons I’ve learned on my life journey. I also found lect. 43 (problem solving), 54 (how to improve brain), 68 (smiling), a great reminder of extremely useful habits. And in lect. 69 you made me laugh to tears! ๐Ÿ˜‚Not sure if younger students realize how valuable these lessons are yet, but they sure are blessed to get them. I was brought up in a way that makes thinking out of the box easier than for most, but still have much to learn in this regard. I certainly find you inspirational, and am very happy that we ‘met’! ๐Ÿ™‚