An Overview of NUMSS (Spain) Admissions to Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Program – PhD (PMR)

Thank you for your interest in our accredited, post professional, 100% online Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation doctoral program. If you have any questions about this PhD program please contact NUMSS registrar. We always here to help in anyway we can. All the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation classes we offer are online & in English. The video lectures are pre-recorded and available online on-demand through our video server portal. Our PhD students can also purchase an external hard drive with all the video lectures and course notes on it. This PhD program is offered 100% online but we do offer a week long practical manual therapy technique class for interested students. This in-person class is not mandatory as it is not part of the program. It is offered in the United States, Spain and Panama and selected other countries. Students can graduate without taking this practical class.

The PhD in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation degree is evaluated and approved in the United States by the Validation Corp in New York City and California University Foreign Credential Evaluation. The PhD degree is also legalized by the Spain Ministry of Justice and Spain Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Why Study Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation?

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is a branch of medicine devoted to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neurologic, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary and other disorders that may produce temporary or permanent impairment and associated functional disability. Health practitioners who specialize in physical medicine & rehabilitation (such as physiotherapists & physical therapists, osteopaths, osteopathic manual practitioners, chiropractors, manual therapists, physicians, athletic trainers, athletic therapists, naprapaths, and occupational therapists) provide care for a broad spectrum of disorders including multiple trauma, brain injury, spinal cord disorders and injuries and stroke. They also focus on restoring function to people with problems ranging from physical mobility limitations to those with complex cognitive impairments. These health care professionals treat patients of all ages, primarily in three areas of medical care:

  1. Musculoskeletal injuries and acute and chronic pain syndromes, which include the diagnosis and treatment of sports and work injuries, back and neck pain disorders and degenerative conditions such as arthritis.
  2. Rehabilitation for severe impairments and functional limitations, which includes developmental disorders, multiple trauma, spinal cord injuries, traumatic and acquired brain injuries, cancer, stroke, amputations, multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders.

Why Choose to Study Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at NUMSS (Spain)?

Because National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) offers the most affordable, 100% online on-demand accredited PhD program in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in Europe. This post professional PhD program is ideal for the working health professionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, certified naprapaths, osteopaths, athletic therapists, physicians and osteopathic manual practitioners as they will have the flexibility to study at the time they wish without leaving home. As there is no need to attend a classroom, they can watch the lectures at the comfort of home. Students from anywhere in the world can earn an accredited PhD in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation without spending a large sum on the travel costs to attend an in-person class. NUMSS (Spain) post professional PhD program tuition is kept low to make the program affordable to all students. For those interested in attending an in-person class we offer a week long practical manual therapy technique class in our campus in Spain or at other locations in the United States, Panama and elsewhere.

Admission Prerequisites

NUMSS (Spain) post professional PhD program in physical medicine and rehabilitation is available only to health professionals in the field of physical & manual medicine such as physiotherapists and physical therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors, osteopaths, naprapaths, athletic therapists, athletic trainers, & occupational therapists.

PhD (PMR) Curriculum

This PhD program is not available for category 1 and 2 students. The program for category 3 students (physiotherapists & physical therapists, chiropractors, physicians, athletic therapists, athletic trainers, occupational therapists, osteopaths) is one year (2 semesters) full time.

Curriculum for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (1 year FT, 1280 hours total 640 hours per semester)

1st year (1st semester)1st year (2nd semester)
MT 101 Manual Medicine- TechniquesLD 202 Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis
MS 301 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation- skillsSN 401 Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss Management
OC 301 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Clinical ManagementTE 102 Therapeutic Joint Specific Excercises
CE 402 Clinical ErgonomicsPT 301 Physiological Theraputics
RX 401 Principles of Radiology and Diagnostic ImagingPA 301 Lower Limb Patient Assessment
TP 102 Osteopathic Taping TechniquesFC 302 Pathomechanics and Foot care
FA 101 Fitness Assessment and TrainingSpinal Manipulation
TH 402 Research Project and Thesis
PL 101 Optional class: Practical Lab (techniques review, 1 week FT, in Madrid )PL 102 Optional class: Practical Lab (techniques review, 1 week FT, in Madrid )

NUMSS PhD (PMR) students have access to one week of in-person practical manual therapy technique class in a number of locations around the world. This in-person technique review class is optional as it is not part of our PhD (PMR) program. It is considered a continuing education program. Our PhD Students receive a certificate awarding them 40 hours of continuing education credit towards fulfilling continuing education requirements of associations (if any). Students can take the class in NUMSS campus in Spain or at California Health University (Los Angeles), Pourgol Osteopathy Chronic Pain Hospital (Panama), or Seville University of Health and Medicine (Spain). Based on demand we may also offer the class at selected 378 locations of OCPCC (Osteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of Canada) in India, Canada, the United States, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Iran, Malaysia, Singapore, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, South Korea, Lebanon, Morocco, Namibia, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom and a few other countries. OCPCC, the two universities mentioned above and the osteopathy hospital are all founded by NUMSS president, Dr Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, DN, PhD.