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Touring a Medical School on Behalf of NUMSS

Did you know the Richmond Gabriel University, located in St. Vincent Island in the Caribbean offers an MD program that is accepted in Canada, the United States, UK and most other countries? Did you know its graduates have been accepted for residency in the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic in the United States, the two most prestigious residency programs in the world?

I am grateful to my friend, physician Dr Paul, director of the Richmond Gabriel University for accepting the doctor of osteopathy (DO) graduates of National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) into the first ever DO to MD program offered by a medical school in the world. After my work is finished in the Cayman Islands, I plan to visit St. Vincent Island as I have been officially invited to tour the medical school. I am so excited!

Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, PhD
NUMSS (Spain) President